يعلن معهد بحوث الإلكترونيات شارع البحث العلمى متفرع من شارع جوزيف تيتو – النزهة الجديدة – القاهرة عن :-
الممارسة العامة رقم (1) للقيام بأعمال إستئجار سيارات بسائقيها مكيفة وتوفير سائقين لسيارات المعهد
- التأمين الابتدائى بمبلغ 35000 جنيهاً
- قيمة التأمين النهائى 5 % من القيمة الإجمالية للتعاقد
- قيمة كراسة الشروط والمواصفات الفنية 299جنيهاً
بالإضافة الى الآتي:
- الضريبة على القيمة المضافة بنسبة 14 %.
- طابع الشهيد يلصق على الكراسة بمبلغ 5 جنيه.
- صندوق دعم الأشخاص ذوى الإعاقة 5 جنيه.
- موعد جلسة تلقى الإستفسارات يوم الإثنين الموافق 2/10/2023
- موعد جلسة...
Under the patronage of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the opening of the Huawei Egypt Higher Education Summit 2023 Dr. Ayman Ashour stresses the importance of implementing the ministry’s strategy towards digital transformation and fourth-generation universities Dr. Sherif Kishk: The strategy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the field of digital transformation is based on the use of modern technologies to develop higher education institutions and move towards smart, sustainable universities.
Dr. Sherine Abdel Qader: Signing a memorandum of understanding with Huawei to establish an academy to support researchers and entreprene...
Confirming the service and community role of the Electronics Research Institute.Within the framework of the Electronics Research Institute’s interest in supporting and providing community services to its affiliates with family responsibilities, and in line with the laws and what was approved by the International Labor Organization regarding maternity protection in the field of work as one of the basic and necessary labor rights to promote the health of the mother and child, Prof. Dr. Sherine Abdel Qader Muharram, President of the Electronics Research Institute, incubated "ElectroKids" for the children of the Institute's private and public cadres.
During the events, Prof. Dr. Shere...
The Office of Technology Transfer and Marketing at the Tico Office at the Electronics Research Institute, headed by Prof. Shereen Abdel Qader Muharram, inviting you to attend an interactive workshop entitled "Business Pitching" presented by Dr. Amr Al-Awamry (Executive Director of the Benha University Biotechnology Incubator)
Workshop content:
1-Pitching techniques
2-Elevator pitching
3-Investors pitching
4- Show case of Airbnb
When: From 10 am to 13:15 pm on Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Location: Prof. Dr. Hall Tarek Kamel in the fourth floor of the Institute
It is worth noting that the lecturer, Pro...
The Ministry of Youth and Sports, through the Central Administration for Youth Empowerment (General Administration for Entrepreneurship and Emerging Projects) in cooperation with the Electronics Research Institute, announces the opening of applications for the training course "Programming the Programmable Logic Controller and its Applications"
Within the “Techno-Help me” initiative, for a period of 3 days, during the period from (7-10) next June, in the laboratories of the Electronics Research Institute.
Target group:
Students of engineering faculties, technological faculties and industrial institutes - Departments of Electricity - Control - Mechatronics - Mechanics