يعلن معهد بحوث الإلكترونيات شارع البحث العلمى متفرع من شارع جوزيف تيتو – النزهة الجديدة – القاهرة عن :-
الممارسة العامة رقم (4) للقيام بأعمال تجهيزات لمعمل تطبيقات النانو تكنولوجى بمقر المعهد بالنزهة الجديدة- القاهرة
- التأمين الابتدائى بمبلغ 50000 جنيهاً
- قيمة التأمين النهائى 5 % من القيمة الإجمالية للتعاقد
- قيمة كراسة الشروط والمواصفات الفنية 299جنيهاً
- موعد جلسة فتح المظاريف الفنية يوم الأربعاء الموافق 15/3/2023 فى تمام الساعة الثانية عشر ظهراً بمقر المعهد
The Electronics Research Institute announces its need for technical and specialized jobs through delegation
for more information :
The Electronics Research Institute announces the opening of the E-Khorda II (Green Electrobekia) incubator for entrepreneurship in the field of e-waste recycling. Green Electropecia is the first Egyptian governmental incubator specialized in the field of e-waste recycling under the supervision of the Electronics Research Institute and funded by the Center for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (Cedari). for electrical and electronic products.
The incubation period is one calendar year and includes the provision of the following services and benefits:
1. The incubator will provide training courses and workshops in business management and marketing.
The head of the institute stated that the number of ongoing internal research projects reached 9 internal projects during the year 2022, within the framework of the first call for fast-track research projects to fund some research projects whose implementation period does not exceed one year and have applied outputs that can be marketed in the field of research. Industry and community service, including: a portable device for directed heating to eliminate red palm weevil inside palm trunks, design and manufacture of a scale network analyzer, a vital signs monitoring sensor for health care applications and human lung water level measurement, a transceiver for mobile phones in the LTE fr...
Prof. Dr. Sherine Abdel Qader Muharram, Head of the Electronics Research Institute, participated in the activities of the First International Conference on Remote Sensing Applications and Space Sciences in Hurghada during the period from 8-11 December 2022, under the auspices of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and in the presence of Major General Ahmed Marzouk, Secretary Assistant General of the Red Sea Governorate, Colonel / Mohamed Abdel Hakim, Deputy Military Adviser to the Red Sea Governorate, and Prof. Dr. Amr Hamouda, Head of the National Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries. The conference was chaired by Dr. Muhammad Bayoumi Zahran, ...