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•Fundamental Understanding of AI Concepts.•Practical Skills in AI Development.•Core Knowledge of Machine Learning.•Familiarity in Neural Networks and Deep Learning.•Project Development and Deployment Skills.
- Introduction to Digital Design, FPGA, and VHDL - VHDL Concurrent and Sequential Statements, Signals, Operators, Arrays, and Test Benches.- Structural Design using “Component” - Generate Statement - Generic Statement- Implementation of different projects [Decoder, MUX, 4-bit and 16-bit Full Adder, Synch. and Async. Set/reset Registers, ALU, 2-bit Adder test bench, Serial to Parallel Converter and Parallel to Serial Converter, Finite State Machine, and FIR Filter.- Implementation of ROM using Xilinx Core Generator- Practice Generating HDL Code from MATLAB Simulink Steps and Tips and Tricks.